PCB Connect Holding AB and its subsidiaries

Even if our normal work ac vi es does not normally involve any big occupational risks, we are and shall be aware of our responsibility for the work environment. Our minimum requirement for our work environment is to ensure our compliance with related laws and requirements directly related to our business.

The work environment within PCB Connect shall secure that no employees will be subject for illness or accidents caused by the nature of our work. The work environment shall be on a good level with consideration taken to the nature of our work activities. In order to achieve a work environment where we eliminate any risks for illness or accidents, we promote an open, honest and cooperative attitude in our workplace concerning our work environment and that responsibility for the work environment is taken on all levels within the organisation. Managers and top management are responsible for the systematic work, but a good and safe work environment can only be achieved through participation on and co-responsibility from all levels within the organisation.

All employees are expected to take a personal responsibility for our work environment in all lines of work, including paying attention to and reporting any potential risks which might have a negative effect on the work environment.

All employees are also expected to follow PCB Connects internal routines and instructions, which has been established for work environmental reasons.

In case of changes in our activities, equipment, new or redevelopment of facilities, consideration regarding the work environment shall always be taken, risks be considered and needed activities taken in order to prevent and minimize negative effects and risks related to our work environment.

Needed competence regarding work environment-related issues shall as far as possible, be available internally, but in case of matters of such character that specific competence or expertise is needed, such competence shall be engaged from external sources.